Cost of Coverage

If you elect continued coverage under MPTN COBRA, you are required to pay the full cost of the coverage — both the share you paid as a team member and the share that MPTN paid — plus a 2% administrative charge, in most cases. This means that when your coverage changes to MPTN COBRA coverage and you begin paying the part previously paid by MPTN, the cost to you can be a lot higher.

Your payments for coverage are made on an after-tax basis. You will receive information on how to make payments when you enroll for MPTN COBRA coverage.

Payment Deadlines

After you return your MPTN COBRA enrollment form, you will have 45 days (counted from the date you return your form) to pay any back premiums necessary to avoid a gap in coverage. The premiums you must pay are retroactive to the date coverage ended under the applicable benefit plan.

If you do not continue to make the scheduled payments for your MPTN COBRA coverage on time (within 30 days of the payment due date), your MPTN COBRA coverage will be canceled.

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