When Your Coverage Ends


If your health care coverage ends, you can continue coverage under the MPTN COBRA rules. (Your enrolled family members also may continue their coverage.) If you continue coverage under MPTN COBRA, it is at your expense and for a specific period of time.

For details, see the COBRA Health Coverage section.

Your coverage as a team member under the MPTN Health Care Plan ends on the last day of the month in which:

  • you end your employment (whether voluntarily or involuntarily) or die,
  • you no longer meet the eligibility requirements for coverage, or
  • you stop making any required contributions toward the cost of coverage.

Your coverage will automatically terminate on any given day, if:

  • MPTN discontinues the plan for all participants, or
  • there is sufficient evidence, as determined by the plan, of an effort to defraud the plan.

 When Coverage Ends for Your Family Members

Your covered family members’ health care coverage ends on:

  • the last day of the month following the date your employment ends or you die,
  • the last day of the month in which your family member no longer meets the eligibility requirements for coverage (for example, if your family member’s status changes so they are no longer eligible),
  • the last day of the month in which you stop making any necessary contributions toward the cost of your family members’ coverage,
  • the day MPTN discontinues coverage for family members under the plan.

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