Individuals Not Eligible

Although many team members of MPTN are eligible to participate in the Mashantucket Pequot Team Member Benefit Plans described in this Plan Document and SPD, some are not. Even if you otherwise meet the eligibility requirements for an MPTN Benefit Plan, you cannot participate if you are:

  • employed by a division that does not participate in the applicable plan or program (see “Participating Divisions” above for more information),
  • an individual employed by an outside agency that provides team members to MPTN and who has been classified by MPTN as not eligible to participate,
  • an individual classified by MPTN as an independent contractor,
  • an individual engaged under an agreement that states that you are not eligible to participate in the applicable plan or program,
  • an individual classified by MPTN as a casual or temporary team member (please note that casual and temporary team members are eligible for the 401(k) Plan),
  • any other individual who provides services to MPTN but is not an active team member of MPTN, or
  • in any other defined group of individuals that is not eligible, as determined by the plan sponsor or administrator

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